How can you Sponsor a Child?

2 min readSep 22, 2020


To sponsor a child is the most benevolent act an individual can offer to society. When you sponsor a child, you empower and uplift an entire nation. Thousands of NGOs in India work dedicatedly and relentlessly among the most vulnerable children. It is hard to pick the best charity to sponsor a child. But among the top NGOs is World Vision India, the best child sponsor organization in India. It works to break the cycle of poverty and gives a new lease of life to children, their families and communities in India.

When you begin to sponsor a child, always remember that it is a long-term commitment. Because it should be understood that when you sponsor a child you give hope to a child, his/her family and community too.

When you sponsor a child through World Vision India, you support an entire community. Yes, it is a holistic approach wherein the child, family and community are benefitted. The change World Vision India creates is lasting, and it continues for generations. In short, poverty becomes a thing of the past for lakhs of most vulnerable families. This approach makes World Vision India, one of the best child sponsor organizations. Most importantly, children don’t need a sponsor for education only but for their overall well-being.

World Vision India, the best charities for children, works at creating a better community and a happy family for every child in the 6252 communities it serves. So that, progress permeates families and communities of the children.

To sponsor a child, log on to World Vision India’s website, and select a child as per your preferences. If for some reason, you are unable to do so, reach out to World Vision India’s customer helpline, the executives will assist you in the process. Child Sponsorship does not remain monetary; it is more than what you donate online. It allows you as a sponsor to build a rapport with your sponsored child through letters and sponsor visits. This way, you can personally get to know the child and encourage him/her to the path of success. World Vision India is more than a charity for education in India.

So, how much does it cost to sponsor a child with World Vision India? It only takes Rs. 800 every month. With just Rs. 800 a month, World Vision India will work towards a nation and a world where every child experiences life in all its fullness. Where they are protected, cared for and given the opportunities to become everything they’re meant to be.

Where they grow strong in communities, free of need and full of promise. Where families are valued, the environment preserved and the most vulnerable live in security and confidence. Where they become responsible citizens of India. Where peace and justice reign and all have the right to contribute.

Join us in this journey of tackling and fighting against issues that act as deterrents in the lives of children. Give children wings, teach them to fly and discover life in all its fullness.

